Category Archives: New book releases

Sample Chapters from The Accord

Accord-ebookcoverThe link below will take you to the PDF of the first two chapters of Book 5 of the Dave Brewster Series, The Accord. This sets the linkage from the end of Book 4, Tears of Gallia, and highlights the threat that the cyborg civilization will be for our galaxy. There are a lot of things thrown at you in these few pages, for example, the original attack on our fleet by Zeet of The Accord during Tears of Gallia, High Priest Obu Neela of the planet Lagamar Ulu (one of Dave’s friends first mentioned in The Hive), a society of birdlike creatures known as the Bandabar Fold (also from The Hive), as well as most of the bridge crew of the starship Nightsky, which has been Dave’s home through most of the series. I hope you enjoy it and will consider the book for your library. Here is the link:



The Accord Has Arrived

Accord-ebookcoverBook Five of The Dave Brewster Series is coming to a bookseller near you. Instead of an economical and reliable compact car, The Accord is a society of cyborgs bent on galactic domination. Deep in the Small Magellanic Cloud, the people of Skee Lotho lived in terror that their former overlords from the Society of Humanity would find them and force them back into slavery.

To provide security, they construct a satellite controlled by the disembodied brain of the aged planetary leader, Eon. Fast forward a few hundred million years, and the machines have taken over dozens of planets. The leaders of The Accord inhabit massive constructed planets housing their huge brains, along with millions of lesser cyborgs and billions of humans who are both slaves and feedstock. Now The Accord has a new problem: The Clouds are running out of metal to construct more robots. They must move to our galaxy to continue to grow and add new members.

Our defenses are too weak to stop the machines, so Dave Brewster leads a team into the Clouds to find weaknesses and perhaps convince The Accord to stop their diabolical plan. There, he faces the inhuman cruelty of the machines, but there is something else. A strange force begins to help him. Perhaps there is hope for our galaxy, but Dave Brewster and Dar Lini will face injury and death at every turn. The Accord is coming, a massive battle rages, what will happen next? Join the Adventure!


An interesting experience

photo-1I saw my books on the shelf at a local bookstore yesterday, and I have to say it was a unique experience. There they sat on the next to bottom shelf, and I wondered how anyone would ever find them among all the other works. I don’t have the name recognition of a major bestselling author (yet). I guess that is the real challenge in the business. But they are there, and I guess I should be happy enough with that.

Two shelves over they had the books for teens, and that area was mobbed with kids looking for something to read and chatting with their friends. Perhaps I need to consider that genre?

The Accord– The NSA on Steroids

Imagine another world where the people lived in abject terror of imminent invasion. And the population of Skee Lotho had good reason to be paranoid. They are descendants of the Nan culture in the Society of Humanity (first seen in The Hive, Dave Brewster Series, book 3), where their race was relegated to indentured servitude to the other fifty races of man. When the Society began to immigrate to our galaxy, some Nan managed to escape and find new homes, including this planet in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Although thousands of generations have come and gone since then, the people of Skee Lotho still carry their dread of the Society in their hearts and souls.

Eventually their technology improved until they were able to develop a satellite defense system. They also developed advanced robotics and decided the best way to insure their safety was to use a human brain (voluntarily of course) as the computer to operate the satellites. Just as our own NSA saw the Internet and just had to take every advantage, the cyborgs also grew in power, their brains freed of the tiny confines of a skull. As each person sacrificed their body for a robotic one, he or she began to loose a tiny bit of what it means to be human, no longer subject to the weakness of anatomy or aging.

Fast forward many more generations and you will find The Accord, a vast society of machines controlling the Magellanic Clouds from their massive constructed planetoids. The elders of The Accord run their planetoids and host millions of younger Friends, who are eager for larger robotic forms to let their brains expand. In order to protect the Nan, the people were herded on board for safekeeping. The least those travelers could do for this protection is help the robots manage the stations, right? As the years continued to pass, The Accord changed. Confident of their superiority to their cargo, they began to enslave the workers and ultimately relegated them to hard labor. And when a person could work no more, the machines would consume them to feed their giant brains.

This is the situation that Dave Brewster must face in The Accord, Book 5 of the Dave Brewster science fiction series, coming very soon in paperback and e-book. I will do a giveaway on Goodreads and Story Cartel, as well as offering introductory pricing. Please look for it, or check out all my works on Join the Adventure!

A Taste of The Accord

The Accord_Sketch3The Accord is almost here! Book Five of the Dave Brewster Series follows our hero as he investigates a society of cyborgs in the Magellanic Clouds. He discovers a race of humans who hid here to avoid indentured servitude in the Society of Humanity. They lived in such abject terror that they developed the ultimate defense mechanism. They built robots that were controlled by disembodied human brains. Over time, those robots began to see themselves as the masters of people, rather than their protectors. Ultimately, the leaders in The Accord moved their brains into massive planetoids which hosted millions of robots and billions of humans. In the beginning, the planetoids were to provide security to the people. As time passed, the robots became more machine than man, relegating their human cargo to menial labor, and ultimately viewed them as a source of protein for their brains.

But now the Clouds are almost out of metal, which is critical to building more and larger robots, and so The Accord is coming to the Milky Way to expand. Somehow, Dave and his friends must find a way to stop them, but the odds are not good. The power and determination of the machines far outstrips our ability to stop them. Follow the link below to read the first two chapters of this new book. Join the Adventure!

The Accord Sample


The Accord is Almost Here, and a Free Offer

The Accord_Sketch3After yesterday’s rant on the QE program, let me get back to my books. Here is a sneak peek at the cover art for The Accord, Book 5 in the Dave Brewster Series of science fiction novels. I suppose it is pretty obvious that our hero has been beaten and captured by a society of robots. The Accord formed in the Small Magellanic Cloud long ago. The people there were so afraid others would come to subjugate them that they built cyborg robots controlled by human brains for planetary protection. Ultimately, as the robots grew and evolved, they became more machine than man and turned on their citizenry. Now the machines are headed into our galaxy to continue their expansion. The Accord is a tale of men overcoming incredible odds by fighting against a ruthless and overwhelming enemy. This book is my way of foretelling what can happen when governments become too strong and ultimately take away the rights (and lives) they originally sought to protect.

And now for the free part! In order to spark interest in my books, starting today through Superbowl Sunday, you can download Showdown Over Neptune, the first book in the Dave Brewster Series, for FREE on Smashwords. This novel will help you understand where the series began and hopefully make you want to read more. While it starts a little slow (as the story of Dave and Charlie unfolds), it soon becomes more like my other fast moving stories.

Depending on the interest, I plan to repeat this offer with a FREE download of Book 2, The Second Predaxian War, soon after. That was a fun book to write, and it lead me to the technology of Hives and Natural Hives, which are key to the rest of the series. Learn about maklans, valakars, and the great general Fa-a-Di. Join the Adventure! Here is the link to the Smashwords book page. BE SURE TO INPUT COUPON CODE HR35Q AT CHECKOUT TO GET IT FOR FREE.

Tears of Gallia Trailer

For those of you who have not decided whether to download a free e-book of Tears of Gallia yet, I’m attaching a link to the book trailer on  It will give you an idea of what the story is about. Here is the link:

You can also read my description on this website by clicking on this link.

Tears of Gallia is a great story, with revenge, love, space battles, and adventure far beyond the imagination. And, for a limited time, it’s FREE. If you write an honest and thoughtful review, you also have a chance to win an Amazon gift card. If you’re ready to check it out, here is the link to the Story Cartel page:

Tears of Gallia Promotion

Tears-ebookcover (2)Now that book 5 of the Dave Brewster Series is about to come out, there will be a giveaway of book 4, Tears of Gallia, on Story Cartel soon. I’ll let you know when it goes live. With this promotion, you can download an e-book version FREE, in exchange for your thoughtful and honest review. There will  be some prizes, so download it sooner rather than later. You must read the book and write the review by the end of 4 weeks in order to qualify for the drawing. Tears is a long novel (over 400 pages in print), so if you wait until the end of the 3 week giveaway, you’ll only have 7 days to read it and write the review.

Tears of Gallia is a story of friendship, love, time travel, and intergalactic war. Our friend, Dave Brewster joins his friend, Fa-a-Di, on the Sojourn, a sacred visit to two incredible planets. There he will face death more than once, and be stranded on a mythical planet on the edge of the galaxy.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing. Please check it out. Reviews are the life-blood of new authors, and your opinions mean the world to me.

Also, please consider signing up for Story Cartel ( You can download free titles all the time, with the only obligation is to write a review. Seems fair.

The Time Walker Is For Sale

Heartstone: The Time Walker is now on sale everywhere. You can buy the printed and e-book versions from online retailers. While you’re surfing, please check out the press release for this new work at:

Thanks for your readership, and keep an eye out for The Accord, the fifth book in the Dave Brewster Series coming soon.

Thoughts on The Accord

I know that Heartstone: The Time Walker is due for release in both paperback and e-book formats in just over one week, but I thought I would say something about the next book coming out after that one.

The Accord is the fifth book in the Dave Brewster Series of science fiction novels. Currently, it is being reviewed by my editor and cover art is being created by my artist. I’m not certain when it will be published, but I did want to share some of my motivation for writing this story. It’s a long story, like The Hive and Tears of Gallia, but it covers a lot of ground and bridges new territory.

Like most everyone, I have been shocked by the revelations about NSA activity and the apparent total loss of privacy in the USA. Knowing that the government is perusing my texts, e-mails, and even these postings is making me a bit crazy. The Accord is the story of world leaders (not our world though) who are so afraid that others might attack them (terrorists?) that they do the most horrific things to their own people with the intention of protecting them. Over time, the protectors become the slave masters, and move from helping to destroying the lives that they promised to protect. It is another example of how “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Ultimately, my personal faith in something greater than our fragile existence prevails, but until the end, the story is about suffering and overcoming insurmountable odds.

I hope you will keep an eye out of this new book which hopefully will be published around the end of the year. Thanks for your readership.