Monthly Archives: January 2016

The time of demons is upon us.

Demonic-1800x2700Demonic is here! My latest novel is available Tuesday, January 12, 2016, in e-book and paperback. I have to admit that two friends could not read it due to the violence. When I started this story, that was my goal. I am definitely not a horror fan, and my stories have always been PG. This time I wanted to stretch my comfort zone to tell a story that begins like any other day in San Diego, but the end is outrageous, and the journey horrific. The title is well deserved.

I also had a reader tell me that the story in Two Doors was too predictable. I don’t think anyone with say that about Demonic. Take a look and see if you agree with me. Click the link below to download the first five chapters, which just tell the beginning of the story. Enjoy the adventure!

DEMONIC Ebook 5chapters