Site Update and My Twentieth Book

I have changed the layout of this website to focus more on my blog, which of course you can tell as this is now the home page. You will also note the menu item for “The Books”, which will take you to the new bibliography of my stories to date. I plan to start posting all of my reviews of other author’s books. We writers have to stick together and help the public know about the wonderful tales we are crafting every day.

I would also like to announce that my twentieth book will be published on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 in both Kindle e-book and paperback formats. Here is the title and link to its page: Carl Prescott and the Demon Queen. This is the second book in my young adult fantasy series about a group of friends with incredible talents who venture to the Bertrand Aloysius Thorndike Educational Institution to learn how to use and control their abilities. Here is the Amazon link where you can preview it as well. And what good would a new book spiel be without the cover?

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