Day 28 – January 29, 2023 #RRBC #RRBC_ORG

My Thoughts with Three Days to Go

The 2023 #RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge has been a real eye opener for me. While I have loved all the posts by my fellow bloggers, what has amazed me most is that I have not run out of things to talk about. As I have said in earlier posts, I am very much an introvert, so one might expect me to be quiet and reserved. Or I least I would have just written a few words about my day. But no. I have opined and shared my life with you all every day. You might consider me a big blabber-mouth by this point. Actually, it uncovers something we should all know about ourselves.

Each of us have life experiences that changed us forever. Some seem minor at the time, like moving every few years as a military brat. Others are major events like broken bones, illnesses, the birth of children, marriage, divorces, and the death of people we have known and loved. All of these experiences have left marks on us and changed us in ways we never imagined. At the time, we move past the event and keep going. The changes to our souls are more everlasting, even if the event has faded to a distant memory.

As I review my words here, perhaps my words seem dark and dreary. Actually, it is quite the contrary. As a student in school, I was expected to learn, if not memorize, many facts and figures. Most of us studied our multiplication tables until we knew them forward and backward. All of our experiences have had a similar impact. For me, I think the net result was wonderful. I have experienced some bad and a lot of good. Mostly, I have become happy with the person I am today. That is a real blessing.

Of course, my life is not perfect. There are memories I regret and others I cherish and hold close to my heart. However, I know the happiness I have experienced in my life far outweighs the negative. One of my great joys is writing my stories. As you have discovered this month, I have a lot on my mind. My stories allow me to lay all my beliefs on the table for anyone to see. Sure, I hope people will read and enjoy my books. Making a bit more money in retirement is a good thing. Mainly, I write for me and God. I am not saying He reads any of my books, but He knows what I believe, even if the story lines vary greatly from tale to tale.

That is the main reason the hero ends up winning in all my books (or series). I believe good is stronger than evil, and I need to demonstrate that in my stories. Other writers have different views or genres, and that is okay. My focus is set and will not change. I know who I am and what I believe. Frankly, that is good enough for me. I wish you health, great success, and happiness all the days of your lives.

11 thoughts on “Day 28 – January 29, 2023 #RRBC #RRBC_ORG

  1. RaveReviewsbyNJ

    Hi, Karl! I recall you sharing with Paula a few times that you weren’t sure you would have anymore to write about, yet day after day, on this journey, you have surprised us (and probably yourself, as well) and have given us great reading material. Look at you! Or, as I say in my world, “Look at God!” I can do all things through him who strengthens me, right Karl? Yes!!!!

    Thank you for opening up and sharing “you” with us along this journey. From the bottom of my heart (and I haven’t even gone through all your posts yet), it has been such a grand pleasure!

    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Thank you, Nonnie. Your kind words mean a lot to me. At times, I surprised myself with the posts I wrote. I suppose the spirit speaks through me. That sense of the other side has been with me throughout my life. Often, I ignored it since life got in the way. Now that life is a bit simpler, the voice has become more demanding, and I am eager to listen. Thanks for creating this amazing contest. It reminded me that I still have a lot to say, and to write.

    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Yvette, I will try to post more often, but I doubt it will be everyday. I am still working on my next book. I also want to revisit a few I started and dropped. There are a lot of wonderful stories to be told. I know that you, me, and all of our #RRBC community will continue to amaze everyone with our words. I look forward to that with a smile on my face.

  2. Patty Perrin

    I’ve enjoyed every one of your posts, Karl! In fact, you inspired me to re-read Two Doors and I have the second book lined up on my Kindle. As a fellow introvert, I’ve discovered I recharge my batteries with solitude, while extroverts recharge by being around people. It has nothing to do with caring about people, and you have shown in abundance that you’re a caring, thoughtful person.


    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Patty, thank you for the kind post. Two Doors was a turning point in my writing. As I mentioned on a different comment, it was before I had a really good editor. Just so you know. Aida is a major extrovert, so the two of us could not be much different. She loves to hang out with her “crazy cousins” and chat for hours. By the way, that group gave themselves that name, not me. Being introverted has nothing to do with our view of others or anything else. It just is. I hope you enjoy your day.

  3. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Hey Karl, its amazing what you can find to write about. You find out that your life is way more interesting than you thought. At least that’s how I feel. My own story in my first book was way more interesting than the folks I was trying to uplift. That’s what I was told. So don’t sell yourself too short. It’s been a nice journey blogging with you.

    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Shirley, you are too kind. It was a wild ride for those 30 days. Many of the things I shared surprised me too. My past had been securely relegated to “the past.” I know it was for the best to let it all out. Keep up the great work, and write more books. People need to hear what we have to say, whether they know it now or not.

  4. pdoggbiker

    Karl, it was great reading your daily posts in the 30-day blog challenge last year. You outdid yourself and shared more about your personal life than you have ever before. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I also want to thank you for your support of Pat and I during our monthly Raters not Haters show.


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