Day 26 of the 2nd Annual RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

As we progress through Holy Week, today is Holy (or Fig) Tuesday. I have said that my blog posts are not going to be religious, although that may change on Friday and Saturday. The other options I found online were National Spinach Day · Air Max Day · American Diabetes Alert Day · Black Marriage Day · Epilepsy Awareness / Purple Day · and Good Hair Day. I know everyone has their opinion about which of those designations is important. Somehow, National Spinach Day and Good Hair Day do not seem so important. I do like a spinach salad, but since I am not Popeye, eating canned or stewed spinach is not my thing.

Then I considered posting pictures of our dogs. One I mentioned but had not found a picture is next. Louis was the poodle who lived to be 19 years old. He was the second dog that we had, shortly after we were married. Here he is in his glory days.

I mentioned our dog Gigi before. She was my wife’s absolute favorite. Still, this is how I remember her most.

And yes, I was quite a bit heavier in those days. That picture was my Facebook image for years. I still miss her love and devotion every day. Dogs give us SO MUCH, and yet ask for little in return. That affection is what changed me from a cat person to a dog lover.

I am grateful that I saved all of these pictures on my computer. Most of what I have shown was taken before mobile phones existed. We did have cameras that saved the pictures on a memory card, rather than boxes and boxes of physical prints. That makes it so much easier to reminisce about the “good old days.” Still, time goes on. My gray hair is not likely to turn dark brown again. I am also not likely to get younger either. But that’s okay. Life is what it is, and that’s enough.

To be honest, I have more pictures on this machine that even I realize. I did a lot of business traveling. We also took wonderful vacations when we could. Plus, there are countless pictures of family members, weddings, the grandchildren, and other special things, like my wife’s flower and balloon business. What a life! I guess the pictures will always be the evidence of that.

I will keep looking for a good picture of our first dog (Mimi). I found a couple fuzzy ones of her with Louis, but they look more like black blobs than beloved dogs. For now, I wish you a blessed Holy Week and all the best for the future.

Please take some time to check out the blog posts by the other Rave Reviews Book Club authors who have joined in this 30-Day Blogging Challenge. Click the link below to see what they had to say.

8 thoughts on “Day 26 of the 2nd Annual RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

  1. Karen Black

    In my experience, Karl, people who love animals are usually good people and you clearly love your dogs. Just my thoughts.

  2. Pat Garcia

    Hi, Karl,
    You have many beautiful memories, not only of your dogs but of your family. They bring a warm glow to your heart and help you to remember that you are not alone.
    Have a charming day.
    Shalom shalom

    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Pat, I have so many wonderful memories, and I choose not to focus on the negative ones. There is no benefit to holding onto anger or resentment. The good memories are what we will remember and hold dear. All the best.

  3. Patty Perrin

    Hi, Karl!

    Your dogs are the cutest! I say ‘are’ because I believe those who’ve passed on are still alive and well in their new address. How loving of God to give us companions of a different species to show us the meaning of unconditional love.


    1. Karl J. Morgan Post author

      Thanks, Patty. I know that I will be with them all on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Their love and devotion are too strong not to overcome physical death.

  4. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    I was looking at some old photos too. Going through my email landed me in areas I didn’t expect to find myself in and old photos is one of them. Love those cute dogs. A little weight looks good on you.

    I got to get out of here and ran an errand. See you on your next blog.

  5. joy gerken

    I know how much you love the dog you have now and how much you loved the ones you had in the past.
    My Whiskey is always in my thoughts I have a photo by my computer of him and it will always be there. Such unconditional love, indeed.


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