Day 25 of the 2nd Annual RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

Again today, I looked up what is special about March 25th. Here is the list: International Waffle Day · Anniversary Of The Arengo · Bed-in for Peace Day · Dante Day · Dolyatra · Feast of the Annunciation · Greek Independence Day · Holi. The two that caught my eyes were the Feast of the Annunciation and International Waffle Day.

I am a devout Christian, but I do not want to talk about my faith or any other person’s beliefs, so let’s stick to International Waffle Day.

As a child, I was a finicky eater. However, the one breakfast food I loved was waffles. I would put on butter and lots of syrup. Some days, I would add peanut butter and jelly before the syrup. The oddly similar item that I never really cared for was pancakes. Now remember, I was just a child back then. Now, I never eat pancakes or waffles. My tastes have changed. Perhaps that was related to my long marriage to my wife. She was born and raised in Mexico. That was extremely beneficial since we met during Spanish language sessions for our Production Manager, QC Manager, and me (the Controller). I was immediately smitten. I cannot recall what I ate for breakfast in those days. She worked for the State of California, so we both had to leave fairly early in the morning.

Members of her family still live in Chula Vista and Tijuana. One of her nephews held quite a few parties at his house just a couple miles east of where I am now. He loved HOT stuff. In those days, I did as well. Alas, those days are gone. My taste for Mexican foods has not abated, although real Mexicans would balk at my love of black beans instead of pinto. What can I say? To me, they have a much better flavor. I did have coworkers from Puerto Rico, so that may be the cause.

I still have fond memories of my childhood and waffles, but I do not crave them anymore. Waffles because they’re too sweet with the toppings. Childhood because things only got worse over time. My mother passed away a few days before my high school graduation.

Life goes on. I think less and less about those bad memories. Reminiscing about terrible things is a fool’s errand. We have to move on with our lives. Today, I focus on my books, my dog, and what I can do to help the others in my life. For now, that is enough for me.

A few comments about the Annunciation in closing. I have faith that the story of Jesus is true. I know he was the Son of the Living God. That’s it for now. I wish you blessings and all the best in life.

Please take a few minutes to check out the blog posts by my fellow Rave Reviews Book Club authors who are also working their way through the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. You can follow the link below to see all of their posts.

6 thoughts on “Day 25 of the 2nd Annual RRBC 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

  1. Patty Perrin

    Hi, Karl!

    Happy National Waffle Day! I used to love waffles and turn my nose up at pancakes, but that’s flipped nowadays. In Virginia, I had hoecakes, (sp?) which tastes like sweet pancakes. No syrup needed. They were delicious! I also had peanut soup, which I loved. Okay. No more talk of food, for me. Thanks for sharing more of your background and the foods you like.


  2. Pat Garcia

    Hi, Karl,
    I still love waffles and pancakes. Just give me the butter and the syrups, I don’t need any special toppings. I don’t eat them often because sometimes I can’t find the right ingredients over here, but whenever I do find them a pancake or waffle morning is the next day with bacon and scrambled eggs.

    Thanks for your Annunciation in your closing. Amen! Jesus is the son of the living God.

    Have a lovely day.
    Shalom shalom

  3. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Waffles and pancakes. I don’t eat either too much anymore although I did order some pancakes at a local restaurant on Sunday while out with my girlfriends. I don’t eat too much food with flour in it. I was told years ago by a doctor to stay away from it. I’m listening now.

  4. pdoggbiker

    Every Saturday morning – eating out – I order waffles loaded with strawberries on top and whipped cream shaped into a face with two beady eyes and a wry smile. Scarlett will always add a few strands of hair if she is with us. That’s my celebration to welcome in the weekend. I won’t use syrup for waffles, French Toast or pancakes either…grape jelly suffices for the other two. Long live waffles!


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