Category Archives: Remembrances

Comments about Remembrances, Choose to Be Happy and Embrace the Possibilities

Kindle versions available

I am thrilled to announce that Kindle versions of Remembrances and Showdown Over Neptune are now available from Amazon. My publisher and I worked hard to get the formatting correct, which is very different from the formatting of a printed book.

Since it was our first attempt, please let me know if we can improve anything, or if we made any obvious mistakes. I’ve also submitted Showdown Over Neptune to Barnes and Noble for the Nook devices. I’ll announce that when I get approval from them.

Remembrances is in print!

Today I received the twenty copies of my first book. I just mailed the obligatory copy to the Library of Congress. I’ll be checking around to find other sites that have it for sale. It may take a while before the big retailers have it in their catalog. I’ll also be working on setting up a storefront on this site so you can purchase Remembrances or any others here.

Remembrances is out!

My first book, Remembrances, is now at the printer.  I’ve ordered a few copies which I will either give away or sell, once I am set up for that on this site. It should also be available at booksellers like Amazon and B+N, and through my publisher Sacred Life ( I hope you read and enjoy it.