Category Archives: Dave Brewster Series

Comments about the Dave Brewster Series of novels

The Accord is Almost Here, and a Free Offer

The Accord_Sketch3After yesterday’s rant on the QE program, let me get back to my books. Here is a sneak peek at the cover art for The Accord, Book 5 in the Dave Brewster Series of science fiction novels. I suppose it is pretty obvious that our hero has been beaten and captured by a society of robots. The Accord formed in the Small Magellanic Cloud long ago. The people there were so afraid others would come to subjugate them that they built cyborg robots controlled by human brains for planetary protection. Ultimately, as the robots grew and evolved, they became more machine than man and turned on their citizenry. Now the machines are headed into our galaxy to continue their expansion. The Accord is a tale of men overcoming incredible odds by fighting against a ruthless and overwhelming enemy. This book is my way of foretelling what can happen when governments become too strong and ultimately take away the rights (and lives) they originally sought to protect.

And now for the free part! In order to spark interest in my books, starting today through Superbowl Sunday, you can download Showdown Over Neptune, the first book in the Dave Brewster Series, for FREE on Smashwords. This novel will help you understand where the series began and hopefully make you want to read more. While it starts a little slow (as the story of Dave and Charlie unfolds), it soon becomes more like my other fast moving stories.

Depending on the interest, I plan to repeat this offer with a FREE download of Book 2, The Second Predaxian War, soon after. That was a fun book to write, and it lead me to the technology of Hives and Natural Hives, which are key to the rest of the series. Learn about maklans, valakars, and the great general Fa-a-Di. Join the Adventure! Here is the link to the Smashwords book page. BE SURE TO INPUT COUPON CODE HR35Q AT CHECKOUT TO GET IT FOR FREE.

Tears of Gallia Trailer

For those of you who have not decided whether to download a free e-book of Tears of Gallia yet, I’m attaching a link to the book trailer on  It will give you an idea of what the story is about. Here is the link:

You can also read my description on this website by clicking on this link.

Tears of Gallia is a great story, with revenge, love, space battles, and adventure far beyond the imagination. And, for a limited time, it’s FREE. If you write an honest and thoughtful review, you also have a chance to win an Amazon gift card. If you’re ready to check it out, here is the link to the Story Cartel page:

Get Tears of Gallia Now!

Tears-WPThe Story Cartel promotion for Tears of Gallia is now live! If you are not familiar with Story Cartel, they offer free e-books for three weeks. One week later, prizes are awarded to selected entrants who submit an honest and thoughtful review of the book. Follow the link below to get your copy today!

Tears of Gallia Promotion

Tears-ebookcover (2)Now that book 5 of the Dave Brewster Series is about to come out, there will be a giveaway of book 4, Tears of Gallia, on Story Cartel soon. I’ll let you know when it goes live. With this promotion, you can download an e-book version FREE, in exchange for your thoughtful and honest review. There will  be some prizes, so download it sooner rather than later. You must read the book and write the review by the end of 4 weeks in order to qualify for the drawing. Tears is a long novel (over 400 pages in print), so if you wait until the end of the 3 week giveaway, you’ll only have 7 days to read it and write the review.

Tears of Gallia is a story of friendship, love, time travel, and intergalactic war. Our friend, Dave Brewster joins his friend, Fa-a-Di, on the Sojourn, a sacred visit to two incredible planets. There he will face death more than once, and be stranded on a mythical planet on the edge of the galaxy.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing. Please check it out. Reviews are the life-blood of new authors, and your opinions mean the world to me.

Also, please consider signing up for Story Cartel ( You can download free titles all the time, with the only obligation is to write a review. Seems fair.

Available at a bookstore near you

I just received a second approval from a major national bookstore chain (I am not allowed to mention the name). Once they process the orders, six of my seven novels will be test marketed in different stores across the country. Please look for The Dave Brewster and Heartstone series books at your neighborhood store in the coming months.

Also, while you’re thinking about it, download a free e-book of The Hive right now! There’s only a week left on the promotion, so hurry. Here is the link.


The Hive Promotion Now Live

Sign up now for your free e-book version of The Hive, my award-winning science fiction novel, on Story Cartel, in exchange for your honest and thoughtful review. If you have not heard of Story Cartel, please check them out at Click the link below to get your copy now! And please share this note with your friends. As a new indie author, I appreciate the opportunity to share my works with you and your friends.

Updated Cover for The Hive

HIVE-ebookcover-SCBFI have updated the cover for The Hive, Book 3 in the Dave Brewster Series, to include the badge for my award at the 2013 Southern California Book Festival. Isn’t it pretty?

If you are interested in my award-winning book about intergalactic travel, tyranny and redemption, you can now sign up for a free e-book on in exchange for your honest and thoughtful review. You can also look inside on or and experience some of the story before you choose to buy. Join the Adventure!

The Hive on Story Cartel

I have decided to do an e-book giveaway of The Hive on the website On this site, authors give away copies for 20 days. By accepting the download, the readers agree to write a thoughtful and honest review on or other sites or blogs (like this one).

Obviously, the reason I am doing this is to attract more readers to my books. Different readers like different things, and I hope people who like my writing style will be introduced to my work. Since The Hive has won an award already, I thought it was the best choice to try Story Cartel out.

If you have not signed up for a free account on Story Cartel, I encourage you to do so. There are many books being given away all the time, although I’m certain you want to read mine first. Once The Hive deal is ready to start, I’ll post again and provide a link to the book page there. Thanks for your interest in my works.

Thoughts on The Accord

I know that Heartstone: The Time Walker is due for release in both paperback and e-book formats in just over one week, but I thought I would say something about the next book coming out after that one.

The Accord is the fifth book in the Dave Brewster Series of science fiction novels. Currently, it is being reviewed by my editor and cover art is being created by my artist. I’m not certain when it will be published, but I did want to share some of my motivation for writing this story. It’s a long story, like The Hive and Tears of Gallia, but it covers a lot of ground and bridges new territory.

Like most everyone, I have been shocked by the revelations about NSA activity and the apparent total loss of privacy in the USA. Knowing that the government is perusing my texts, e-mails, and even these postings is making me a bit crazy. The Accord is the story of world leaders (not our world though) who are so afraid that others might attack them (terrorists?) that they do the most horrific things to their own people with the intention of protecting them. Over time, the protectors become the slave masters, and move from helping to destroying the lives that they promised to protect. It is another example of how “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Ultimately, my personal faith in something greater than our fragile existence prevails, but until the end, the story is about suffering and overcoming insurmountable odds.

I hope you will keep an eye out of this new book which hopefully will be published around the end of the year. Thanks for your readership.

Tears of Gallia on Smashwords

Tears-ebookcover (2)Great news! My latest book, Tears of Gallia, Book 4 in the Dave Brewster Series, is now available on Smashwords. Soon it should also appear on Kobo and Apple as well as other sites. I hope you will check it out. Here is a link to the Smashwords book page: