Cover art for The Time Walker

TimeWalker-ebookcoverHere is the cover for my latest book, Heartstone: The Time Walker, which will be available in print and e-book versions on October 15, 2013.

This story is very different from the first book in the series. The Time Walker is a dark tale of revenge and the desperate attempts of a black mage to return to power. Keedu, leader of the mages, joins with an ancient evil to go back in time to keep Bill Marshall from ever gaining the power of the Stones.

The scene depicted on the cover occurs near the end of the book as Osphalon the Demon attempts pull the life-force from Bill Marshall’s body.

The book will be available for preorder on most e-book sites in the next few days. The e-book will also be available at a bargain price for a week or so beginning on the release date. Please check it out. I think you’ll enjoy it.

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